

Creative consisting of 3 inverted U images (header, left sky and right sky), 1 inverted U video, 1 video transition cover and 1 video trailer microsite.

How it works:

  1. Video loop of the first 20 seconds (video cover content)
  2. When the video ends after 20-30 seconds, the U image is automatically displayed.
  3. The user can watch the trailer at any time with the ‘watch trailer’ CTA.


Inverted U video ‘watch trailer’:

-Video (max 5 sec and 1Mb): .mp4 1900x1080px

-Top image (max. 200Kb): .jpg 1020x250px

-Left image (max. 200Kb): .jpg 450x1000px

-Right image (max. 200Kb): .jpg 450x1000px

Video transition:

-Video (max time 9 sec and 1Mb): .mp4 1900x1080px

Video microsite trailer:

-Video (‘any length’ and 2.5Mb): .mp4 1900x1080px

-Advance Gallery Slider (optional): x4 images (max 100Kb): .jpg 1024x512px.

Mobile: 320×100 o 320x50px +INFO

Tablet: 990x250px +INFO

*Variantes: consult us


  • z-index=9.
  • Creativity should not exceed 30% CPU usage.
  • No mouse cursor modification.
  • The deadline for delivery of the creative is 2 weeks before the start of the campaign.
