

Creativity consisting of 2 images that can be compared to a slider/horizontal scrollbar. Available for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.


  • Background image: .jpg 300x600px (max. 100Kb) *Not mandatory. Background image to be covered by the other elements. If none is sent, it will be empty
  • Logo: .jpg 130x50px (max. 100Kb) *It does not have to be the exact size, if you want it smaller you can leave the rest of the image with a transparent background
  • CTA button: .jpg 300x50px (max. 100Kb) *It does not have to be the exact size, if you want it smaller you can leave the rest of the image with a transparent background
  • Claim: .jpg 300×600 (max. 100Kb) *It must be placed 465px from the top and have a maximum height of 50px. The rest of the image must have a transparent background
  • Comparison of two images:
  • Image1 .jpg 300x400px (max. 100Kb)
  • Image2 .jpg 300x400px (max. 100Kb)

*Variants: consult us



  • Measured by click command / pixel of impressions + safe pixel (IAS…)
  • The creative must not exceed 30% CPU usage.
  • The maximum delivery time for the creative is 4 working days before the campaign launch date.
